Nuuanu Floral Shop

(808) 522-5014


Please e-mail or call (808) 522-5014 for pricing. Pricing for fresh leis are based on current market price.

Leis also available (prices range from $15.00 - $45.00):

  • Kukui Nut/Shell
  • Money / Ribbon (May vary based on monetary value)
  • Ribbon
  • Silk
  • Yarn

Fresh Leis

The pricing for fresh leis are based on current market price. Feel free to contact us at (808) 522-5014 or email for availability and pricing.

Assorted flower leis

#1 Tuberose & Carnation

#2 Tuberose & Orchids

#3 Tuberose & Ilima

#4 Fresh Kukui Nuts Lei w/shells

#5 - Fresh Cigar Lei

#6 Double Strand Maile Lei

#7 Hilo Maile Lei

#8 Ti Leaves Maile Style

#9 Ginger Lei

#10 Red Carnation Lei

Kukui Nut Leis & Kukui Nut w/Shell Leis

Kukui Nut and Shell leis are based on the design and can range from $15.00 - $40.00.

Shell Leis










Silk Flower Leis

Silk leis are based on the design and can range from $15.00 - $40.00.

Yarn Leis

Yarn leis are based on the design and can range from $15.00 - $40.00.

Colorful Long Yarn Leis

Colorful Short Yarn Leis

Yarn Lei w/beads

Ribbon Leis

Ribbon leis are based on the design and can range from $15.00 - $40.00.

Braided Ribbon Leis

Big Box Lei

Small Box Lei

#1 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#2 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#3 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#4 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#5 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#6 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#7 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#8 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#9 Spiral Ribbon Lei

#1 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

# 2 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

#3 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

#4 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

#5 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

#6 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

#7 Beehive Heleconia Ribbon Lei

Bear Leis

Small bows can be changed upon customer's request.

Money Leis

Money leis are based on the design and can range from $15.00 - $45.00. (May vary based on monetary value)

(Colors may vary)

Money Ribbon Leis

Spiral Ribbon Money Leis w/ 3 frogs

Braided Ribbon Leis w/ 3 money frogs

#1 Braided Ribbon Lei w/ 6 money frogs

#2 Braided Ribbon Lei w/ 6 money frogs

#3 Braided Ribbon Lei w/ 6 money frogs

#4 Braided Ribbon Lei w/ 6 money frogs